Goals For The Year

    (A) Loreto endeavours to create a safe, happy, congenial environment:

  • To strive not only to teach but create a protective environment for children; help them see the hand of God in their lives for facilitating learning of life skills and moral values and discerning their needs, thus empowering each student to develop to her best potential.
  • To equip the children with life-coping skills to build self-confidence. The system involves student-centered programmes and helps the underprivileged children through sponsorship.
  • To help our pupils to feel the need for discipline, the right use of freedom by trusting, entrusting, challenging and exposing them to responsibilities in daily School life.
  • To build a warm, conducive and a child-friendly atmosphere in the class, ensuring maximum participation where in the child is able to freely express herself.
  • To develop reading habit, especially News Paper, so that students become socially oriented.
  • To improve the general knowledge about Mary Ward, Loreto Values, City, Nation and the World so that we are able to look at the world as a family.